Progress of a big group caricature
I thought it would be of interest to show the stages of the method I used for doing a very complicatedmultiple caricature for an army regiment I did recently. ( watercolour 24×20 inches)

Teach Yourself to Draw 5
SIMPLIFY! To tackle any drawing the 1st move is to simplify the scene you are faced with. Look past the surface and see the basic form. The details can wait till the drawing is just about done, then the details effortlessly fall into place like the icing on the cake. This is why, practising the

Teach Yourself to Draw 4
Gesture Drawing has been a very important technique for me.I like to see spontaneity and life in the work I admire. Gesture drawing has helped me to develop a fearless approach to drawing. Looking for the essential gesture of the subject, be it animal, vegetable or mineral. Going for the essence as fast as possible

Teach Yourself to Draw 3
These are the key techniques that have been the biggest help in enabling me to learn to draw –Simple Forms -Cubes, Spheres, Cylinders, Cones.Briefly – Practising these forms till you begin to see them everywhere, you begin to simplify and see these forms, usually a combination of, in every object, in a face, in a